Sponsorship Opportunities

To our prospective sponsors,                                                                                    

The Joyful Journeys Community Enrichment Fundraising and Events committee is hard at work "Enriching the lives of families, one community at a time". The continued, annual support of our sponsors helps us direct high caliber events that have become a staple in the success of our organization. Your potential annual sponsorship ensures our continued presence and visibility in the state of Colorado.

Our goal is to raise more than $50,000.00 to put towards the expansion of our organizations programs. This is achieved by hosting events that bring individuals, families and communities together. Throughout the year we pursue several other fundraising opportunities to reach this goal as well.

Joyful Journeys Community Enrichment works directly with underprivileged children and their families. The children that we support are those at high risk for early teen pregnancy, gang violence, substance abuse and poverty. Some of our recent accomplishments include taking over the Adams County Santa Shop that provides Christmas to over 1,000 children and opening our Joyful Journeys Community Center where we host personal and family development classes, afters-school activities, special events and 5 weekly workouts.

To show our appreciation and acknowledge your generous tax deductible contribution we will add you to our websites list of sponsors, add your logo on all our handouts, flyers and/or social media posts related to the event and display a large visual banner (provided by you) in our community center and at each event. You will have the opportunity to include promotional items, coupons, business cards and the likes in our guest welcome bags as well. This will promote your business to multiple consumers simultaneously.

Please view the attached annual event and sponsorship level outlines. We welcome your questions or comments regarding your companys interest in participating as organization sponsors. We genuinely appreciate you considering becoming a member of our annual sponsorship team!

501c3 non-profit, Tax ID: 45-1586128

Best regards,
Tasha VanMarter - Executive Director                  
303.667.9695 (Preferred)                                    

JoyfulJourneysce@Gmail.com      http://www.joyfuljourneyscommunityenrichment.org

Annual Event Information

Keep Christmas Alive Toy Drive & 5K Fun Run

DATE: July                             TIME: 10:00 AM 2:00 PM            LOCATION: Northglenn, CO
Our Keep Christmas Alive Toy Drive & 5K Fun Run features an all-level 5K and toy drive including swag bags, entertainment, direct sales vendors, food, face painting, live princesses and super heroes, photo booths and more. All participants bring a new toy and registration donation to support Joyful Journeys and the Adams County Santa Shop
Upon completion they receive free food, beverages and a guest welcome bag (*).

Annual Party in the Park

DATE: August             TIME: 1:00 PM 5:00 PM                LOCATION: TBD
Our Party in the Park features a family-friendly day of fun including welcome bags, entertainment, direct sales vendors, food, a car show, face painting, a fashion show, special guests, bounce houses, small carnival games and more.
All guests receive a guest welcome bag (*).

Adams County Santa Shop

DATE: December (1 week long)     TIME: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM       LOCATION: Northglenn, CO
The Adams County Santa Shop provides Christmas to over 1,000 underserved local children. 
Upon arrival all guardians walk through our Santa Claus Workshop collecting needed school supplies, clothing, shoes, coats, food, hygiene products, holiday decorations, stockings, stocking stuffers, books and stuffed animals for their children. They also receive toys (both new and previously loved) for each child. Other amenities are appointments for haircuts, family photos, and Santa visits.

Sponsorship Levels

PLATINUM     $10,000.00 Annually
-Recognition as an Annual Platinum Sponsor on our website with your company name and logo
-Any product sample, coupon or brochure you provide will be added to our guest welcome bags
-Company name and/or logo posted on our event flyers and handouts
-Four banners prominently displayed at the event information table, entrance, food table and one additional location
(Must be provided one week before event date)
An appreciation post and a monthly promotional post (for one calendar year) on social media

GOLD     $5,000.00 Annually
-Recognition as an Annual Gold Sponsor on our website with your company name and logo
-Any product sample, coupon or brochure you provide will be added to our guest welcome bags  
-Company name and/or logo posted on our event flyers and handouts
-Two banners prominently displayed at the event information table, entrance and/or food table
(Must be provided one week before event date)
-An appreciation post and a weekly promotional post (for the months of July and August) on social media

SILVER     $2,500.00 Annually
-Recognition as an Annual Silver Sponsor on our website with your company name and logo
 -Any product sample, coupon or brochure you provide will be added to our guest welcome bags  
-Company name and/or logo on our event flyers and handouts
-Two banners prominently displayed at the event information table, entrance or food table
(Must be provided one week before event date)
An appreciation post and a weekly promotional post (for the month of August) on social media

BRONZE     $1000.00 Annually
-Recognition as an Annual Bronze Sponsor on our website with your company name and logo
-Any product sample, coupon or brochure you provide will be added to our guest welcome bags  
-Company name and/or logo on our event flyers and handouts
-Two banners prominently displayed at the event information table, entrance or food table
(Must be provided one week before event date)
-An appreciation post and two promotional post on social media

VIP     $500.00 Annually
-Recognition as an Annual VIP Sponsor on our website with your company name and logo
 -Any product sample, coupon or brochure you provide will be added to our guest welcome bags  
-Company name and/or logo on our event flyers and handouts
-A small banner prominently displayed at the event information table, entrance or food table
(Must be provided one week before event date)
-An appreciation post and a promotional post on social media

Annual In-Kind Donations          In-Kind Good___________________________
-Recognition as an Annual Product Sponsor on our website with your company name and logo
-Any product sample, coupon or brochure you provide will be added to our guest welcome bags  
-An appreciation post on social media